     Shanghai KangYang International Logistics Co., Ltd. with our fully equipped warehouse database and years of storage experience, customers can achieve zero inventory. Customers want variety and products according to the classification into the warehouse, anywhere in accordance with the requirements of the customers to deliver the goods to the factory or the arranging for the export packing to achieve true zero inventory! With Our fully equipped warehouse database and years of storage experience, customers can achieve zero inventory. Customers want variety and products according to the classification into the warehouse, anywhere in accordance with the requirements of the customers to deliver the goods to the factory or the arranging for the export packing to achieve true zero inventory! With Our fully equipped warehouse database and years of storage experience, customers can achieve zero inventory. Customers want variety and products according to the classification into the warehouse, anywhere in accordance with the requirements of the customers to deliver the goods to the factory or the arranging for the export packing to achieve true zero inventory!